Born on 03 July 1934, in the ancient town of Iroko, Ibadan, Oyo State of
Nigeria to Papa James Olarewaju and Mama Maria Oladunni ABIOYE.
He was one of the pioneering students at the CAC primary school, Abule
Igbagbo Adebowale, Iroko, between 1942 and 1949. Then to the First Baptist
Day School, Fiditi (1950-1951). He was a young teacher at CAC School,
Alayin from 1952 to 1954. Between January 1955 and April 1957, he aended Fiditi Grammar
School, Fiditi, Oyo where he commenced his West African School Certificate Examination
(WASCE) programme and completed at Gbongan/Ode-Omu Anglican Grammar School
(GOAGS)- May 1957- Dec. 1960. Between 1961 and 1964, he taught at CAC Secondary
School, Lantoro, Abeokuta and at Oriwu College, Ikorodu, Lagos.
"Turning the accomplishments of many years into an hour-glass ⌛️ "
William Shakespeare (Prologue to Henry V).